FAVO – Federazione delle Associazioni di Volontariato in Oncologia
Born in Rome, Italy on Feb 8, 1964, married, proud father of a 12 y/o girl, I learnt from my father who was a High Officer in the Italian Air Force how to concentrate my efforts to reach a target and from my mother who is a retired English teacher the curiosity for any foreign or different culture.
After high school (humanities), I obtained my Law Degree magna cum laude in 1989, specialised in Roman and Comparative Law, became a teacher of Law and Economics in State High School and was admitted to the Bar in 1993, then at the High Courts in 2006
As a Lawyer, I am concentrated in Civil litigation, Law drafting, Family, Privacy, Personal Rights, Wills, Patients' Rights, Labour Law, Property, Mortgages and Contracts.
Personally involved as a carer for a family member, I had the opportunity to con- centrate on the psychosocial needs of cancer and other disability patients, to rev- enue existing laws on the matter and even to participate to legal drafting of Labour reforms by the Italian Government. I became Counsel to the Italian Association of Cancer Patients (AIMaC) and helped in the drafting of the articles of incorporation of the European Cancer Pa- tients Coalition (ECPC – at the times when this entity moved from London to the NL), and of the Italian Federation of Volunteer-based Cancer Organisations (FAVO) which is the representative Forum of over 500 associations in Italy.
Former member of the Working Group on the Rights of Cancer Patients of the European Cancer League who drafted the Oslo Declaration on the subject, I was also in Warsaw for ECPC when in November 2005 the Warsaw Declaration was ad- opted by leading patient groups at the Second Congress of Cancer Patients Organ- izations from Central and Eastern Europe.
Actually Chair of the Legal Network for Cancer Patients of ECPC. Co-author, among other things, of “Linee guida nell'uso di campioni biologici a fini di ricerca scientifica” University of Trento, Forum Biodiritto 2009 (ed. CEDAM 2011) and of OECI's “From the Biobank to the Research Biorepository: Ethical and legal Recommendations” (2010).