• (000) 123 458 789
  • office@worldpatientsalliance.org

About the Conference

World Patients Alliance is pleased to unveil the 2nd World Patients Conference as another milestone in its quest for universally accessible, high-quality healthcare worldwide. The aim of this conference is to elevate the voice of patients through discussion and dialogue where patients and patient advocates, representing all regions of the world, share insights and brainstorm on most sought-after topics in the domains of patient safety, patient and family engagement, and prevalent trends in the modern healthcare.

Join our esteemed international patient community for an immersive experience that transcends borders, forging connections that resonate with the pulse of humanity.

Conference Theme – “The Role of the Patient in a Changing World”

“The Role of the Patient in a Changing World", takes on heightened significance against the backdrop of the global pandemic and rapid technological advancements. In this context, patients are not only navigating unprecedented challenges but also leveraging technology as a tool for empowerment and engagement in their healthcare journey.

The theme of this conference underscores the resilience of patients amidst adversity, highlighting their evolving role as active partners in healthcare decision-making, advocates for their own health, and drivers of innovation in the digital age. As the world adapts to new norms and embraces transformative technologies, patients remain at the forefront, shaping the future of healthcare delivery and ushering in a new era of patient-centered care.

When and Where

Set against the backdrop of Cape Town, South Africa, on October 19-20, 2024, this two-day event caters to both virtual and in-person participants in a groundbreaking hybrid meeting format. We extend a formal invitation to you to be an integral part of this global healthcare revolution from any location on the planet.

Who to attend

Patients and patient-safety champions, healthcare stakeholders, and leaders in patient-advocacy will converge to share insights, exchange experiences, and champion the cause of patients worldwide. The 2nd World Patients Conference stands as a dynamic platform where your voice resonates, your networks expand, and your advocacy creates meaningful ripples of change.

Register Now!

Kindly mark your calendars and register now for this significant event on October 19-20, 2024. The 2nd World Patients Conference is poised to take center stage, setting the tone for a future where healthcare knows no boundaries. Together, let us shape the narrative of global health and build a world where every patient's voice is not merely heard but celebrated. We eagerly invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey towards a healthier, more connected world.

Our Sponsors

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