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Home Events Today Young, Tomorrow Elder – Workshop for Health

Today Young, Tomorrow Elder – Workshop for Health

A healthy diet and physical activity are essential to protect us against many chronic noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Empahsising their importance, WPA in collaboation with Patient Safety Foundation Poland organized a workshop at CLiPO – centrum leczenia i profilaktyki otyłości (Treatment Center and Obesity Profilaxy), Zgierz, Poland on Sunday, June 25, 2023. The workshop attracted patients, doctors, therapists, nutritionists and everyone interested in the area of prevention of diseases through healthy eating and physical activity. This event offered physical activities tailored to the individiual needs of the participants in addition to the insight shared by the medical authorities.

Speaking at this occassion, Jolanta Bilińska, President of the Patient Safety Foundation Poland and Treasurer of the World Patients Alliance presented on “Patient’s angagement in prevention and treatment processes”. She highligthed the  WHO’s World Patient Safety Day, that brings together patients, families, caregivers, communities, health workers, health care leaders and policy-makers to show their commitment to patient safety. When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure as by maintaining proper health, people can find themselves living longer and healthier lives. Preventive health means you do not wait until you are sick, addicted, or in a mental health crisis to reach out for help. Instead, you can take actions early in your life that give you a better chance at avoiding health problems when you are older. Preventive health encourages you to make positive lifestyle choices, giving you the best chance of avoiding chronic problems such as diabetes, addiction, and mental health issues.

Małgorzata Szałapska, MD, PhD, Institute of the Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital in Łódź spoke on ”Obesity – an epidemic of the 21st century". Doctor Małgorzata Szałapska presented statistical data on obesity, pointed out Obesity is a disease and in order to deal with it – a team of specialists is needed comprised of a Doctor, Dietician, Physiotherapist and a Psychologist. Piotr Milbrandt, Assistant at the Sports Center of the Lodz University of Technology presneted on “Attitude is the basis – movement for health". Piotr Milbrandt shared exercises worth implementing in the daily chart of activities from waking up in the morning till falling asleep in the night. Dr. Med Katarzyna Łokieć, Assistant at the Department of Propaedeutics of Civilization Diseases, Medical University of Lodz presneted on the important topic of  “Diet or Habit Change? What is obesity treatment really all about?". Dr Katarzyna Łokieć apprised how easy it is to measure the proportions of a meal with caculated shares of vegetables, meat, pasta, rice, fruit and fats with easy-to-remember references to the human hand, palm, fist and fingertips.

The participants highly appreciated the vaulable information shared by speakers.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 27, 2023 and is dedicated to the World Patient Safety Day. It will take place in Column Medica in Łask/Kolumna, starting at 11.00 am. The Patient Safety Foundation invites you now!!!!


Jun 25 2023


11:00 am - 2:00 pm