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Report on "Be Healthy, Take Care of Your Health" Conference - World Patients Alliance

The “Be Healthy, Take Care of Your Health" conference took place in the serene pine forest setting of the Columna Medica conference hall. The event was dedicated to discussions on health throughout the entire Sunday. It commenced with a session tailored for medical professionals, led by Aleksandra Zasada from Lundbeck. Zasada reminded attendees of the 100-year tradition of the Danish company and its significance in treating patients with mental health issues. She highlighted the multidimensionality of depression, emphasizing its impact not only on mood but also on physical and cognitive symptoms. Notably, the session attracted not only psychiatrists but also specialists from various medical fields.

Jolanta Bilińska, President of the Patient Safety Foundation and co-founder of the World Patients Alliance, opened the conference by underscoring the importance of relationships, closeness, and empathy between patients and medical staff, which aligns with WPA's mission of promoting patient-centric care. Bilińska's insights into the WPA's work added depth to discussions on patient advocacy and empowerment during the conference. She emphasized these aspects as pivotal during this year's World Day of the Sick celebrations. The conference welcomed over 60 attendees, including guests from the USA, South Africa, and Switzerland. Special acknowledgments were extended to Monica Kaczmarek from the Polish Diabetics Association and Anna Śliwińska for their invaluable support in addressing diabetes-related issues.

Janusz Grohs, CEO of Marinex International Sp. z o.o., addressed participants' queries on maintaining and restoring human health, sharing insights from 24 years of clinical research on the efficacy of fish oils. Dr. Bożena Adamkiewicz, a provincial consultant in neurology, provided comprehensive insights into managing migraines, covering etiology, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. Her guidance on recognizing migraine symptoms and seeking medical assistance was particularly appreciated by conference participants.

Professor Wojciech Drygas delved into the fundamentals of lifestyle medicine, exploring the impact of nutrition, physical activity, stress, and emotions on health. He presented epidemiological data from Poland, Europe, and the World Health Organization (WHO) and discussed key factors in maintaining good health.

The conference also featured renowned authors Anna Stryjewska and Katarzyna Grabowska, along with blogger Ewelina Kwiatkowska Tabaczyńska. Their discussion highlighted the importance of reading books, likening it to exercise for the mind. Attendees engaged in conversations about inspirations and the craft of writing, with many purchasing the authors' latest novels.

During the break, attendees enjoyed a healthy lunch featuring cod and salads. The conference concluded with a Nordic walking excursion in the pine forest, along with the announcement of a conference in Cape Town in October 2024, which several foundation members plan to attend.

In closing, sincere gratitude was extended to all attendees for their active participation in the conference. The event served as an important platform for increasing knowledge on how to maintain and promote health effectively.

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