• (000) 123 458 789
  • office@worldpatientsalliance.org

Frankie Fombong - World Patients Alliance

Frankie is a patient safety advocate who focuses on raising patient awareness of patients’ role towards attaining optimal health in the safest way possible, in their communities and when using health care services. She is a member of the WHO Patients for Patient Safety Network and initiator of the Health Improvement and Population Safety Movement (HIPS Movement) Association (Cameroon) – a member organization of the WPA. Frankie developed a passion for patient safety after losing several family members to preventable harm while receiving health care.

She believes that everyone (policy makers, community leaders, healthcare providers, patients and families – including children of school age, etc.) can significantly contribute towards improving patient safety when effectively engaged. Collaborative effort is critical in reducing patient safety incidents.

Frankie has a diverse experience in public health, healthcare and clinical research from Africa, Europe and North America. She got more involved in patient-safety during her post-graduate internship with the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI) and has since remained active in patient safety initiatives. Trained as a nurse from the University of Buea, she also holds a Master degree in Public Health Nutrition from the Karolinska Institute and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from the University of Alberta, Canada.