Inge Dhamanti is the Head of Center of Excellence for Patient Safety and Quality, Universitas Airlangga. Dr. Inge is an associate professor at Department of Health Policy and Administration, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. She founded the Center for Patient Safety Research (Pusat Riset Keselamatan Pasien) in 2018, the country’s first non-governmental organization dedicated to improving patient safety through education and research, and it was recently designated as Center of Excellence for Patient Safety and Quality.
The Center is actively involved in patient safety social media campaigns, training and capacity building, and educating patients and their families. Dr. Inge is currently the Project Investigator for several research projects focusing on open disclosure, the development of EMR-integrated primary care EMRs with trigger tools and CPOE, the analysis of hospital national surveillance data, the development of a web-based platform for hospital readiness analysis and other projects in the safety and quality domains. Dr. Inge also volunteers to teach patient safety classes in order to improve the public’s and health workers’ knowledge of patient safety and quality.
She is also a member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and a Global Action for Leaders and Learning Organizations on Patient Safety (GALLOPS) expert, as well as a member of the International Editorial Board of the Journal of Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality, based in Singapore. She also contributed to the review of the WHO Patient Safety Storytelling Toolkit.