Dr. Taneda was a former Medicine Chief Resident at St. Luke’s International Hospital in Tokyo. He had health services research training in the US as a Health Services Research & Development fellow at Seattle VA Hospital, General Internal Medicine fellow at University of
Washington (UW), and completed Master of Public Health as well as certificate program of Health Informatics at UW. For the last 19 years, Dr. Taneda worked for Japan National Institute of Public Health under Ministry of Health, where he was in charge of hospital management courses for hospital directors from developing countries, and patient safety trainings including TeamSTEPPS® as a Master Trainer. He worked on various patient safety activities in collaboration with patient families who experienced incidents in Japan and other countries. He was also Clinical Instructor, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Washington and WHO Technical Adviser for Development of International Classification for Patient Safety (ICPS). From 2012 through 2015, Dr. Taneda worked for WHO/WPRO as a WHO technical officer on patient safety and quality of healthcare. He was one of editors of WHO/OECD joint publications: Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2012 as well 2014, which featured Quality of Care including patient safety. In 2015, Dr Taneda returned to Japan and worked for NIPH again. In collaboration with Japan Ministry of Health, he co-organized the Patient Safety Global Ministerial Summit 2018 in Tokyo. He also continues to work with WHO on Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety and with OECD as a bureau member (2019 to 2021) and then as a advisor member since 2022 for OECD Working Party on Health Care Quality and Outcomes.