• (000) 123 458 789
  • office@worldpatientsalliance.org

Kagan Cavusoglu - World Patients Alliance

Kagan Cavusoglu is an organizational psychology specialist and the founding Secretary-General of Red Ribbon Istanbul in Türkiye. Throughout his career, he has experienced key roles in both the private sector and NGOs. Cavusoglu, who is also a member of EATG, provides activism and strategic consultancy on chronic infections such as HIV, Hepatitis, and TB, which affect public health, especially among young people. He has supported many civil society organizations in strengthening the capacity-building experiences he gained within the private sector. Currently pursuing his doctorate, Kagan Cavusoglu is researching the relationship between the leadership perception of Generation Z and the quality of work life. He is also a member of the core organization team of the annually organised International Civil Society HIV Conference.